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One of the major criticisms vegans and vegetarians face has to do with their protein intake. In general, people do not understand how – by eating nothing but plant-based foods – someone can meet their dietary needs and keep up with the demands of their lifestyle. And yet, many vegan athletes perform incredibly well in their sports. How? First, it's important to recognize a simple, oft-forgotten fact: There is lots of protein in plants. Still, though, it's nothing compared to the amount fou...

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Plant based protein powders are pretty fascinating things. For one thing, many people don't fully appreciate what they're capable of and they tend to go largely unnoticed. But the truth is that plant based protein powders are incredibly valuable nutritional tools – particularly for the vegans and vegetarians out there. Perhaps one of the most surprising things people notice when shopping for plant based protein powders is that they are occasionally available in “unflavored” varieties. What...

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Plant based protein powders are pretty fascinating things. For one thing, many people don't fully appreciate what they're capable of and they tend to go largely unnoticed. But the truth is that plant based protein powders are incredibly valuable nutritional tools – particularly for the vegans and vegetarians out there. Perhaps one of the most surprising things people notice when shopping for plant based protein powders is that they are occasionally available in “unflavored” varieties. What...

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Plant-based proteins, unfortunately, don't have a great a reputation. And this is really pretty unfair. Most people, however, are under the impression that animal proteins are just automatically superior. The truth, though, is that vegan protein powders have some very distinct benefits that many aren't aware of. Here are (in no particular order) just 10 surprising facts about the under-appreciated group of plant-based, vegan protein powders. Complete Proteins – One of the primary reason...

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If you're like most people, when you think about protein powder you are likely focused on whey or casein. This can be limiting for some individuals, though, if they deal with lactose intolerance or try to avoid animal products for other reasons. But, because of the stranglehold that milk products have on the world of protein supplements, several lesser known plant proteins go relatively unnoticed. Which is a shame, because they can be extremely useful and beneficial alternatives to animal-bas...

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Vegetarian athletes face a unique challenge: meeting their body's protein needs on a restricted diet. Of course, there are plenty of protein-rich plants (and we're going to assume that vegetarians here are comfortable with eggs) but the full-fledged omnivores out there get to enjoy the convenience of protein powders for snacks and quick meals. Fortunately, there are tons of high-quality vegetarian protein powders available – including pea protein. To get you started, here are a few simple rec...

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