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Blueberry Vegetarian Protein Powder Bar Recipe
We have exciting news: It's blueberry season!
Even if you don't grow your own, this means that you can now load up on the delicious, extremely nutritious berries at a much lower price then they go for the rest of the year. But, how can you put all those blueberries to good use? This simple recipe is a perfect solution.
Not only does it make good use of all the micronutrient-packed blueberries, but it's also loaded with healthy protein. Better yet, this particular take on the protein bar is vegetarian.
The vegans out there can still work with this one, though, by switching out the milk for almond milk or something similar. Instead of whey or casein as your protein source, opt for a vegetarian protein powder like rice or pea protein.
- 1 1⁄2 cups vegetarian protein powder
- 1 cup whole oats
- 4 tablespoons honey
- 1⁄4cup ground flax seeds
- 1 cup blueberries (thawed)
- 2 tablespoons sugar substitute
- 2⁄3cup skim milk