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Regardless of exactly why you chose to exclude meat and other animal products from your diet, being a vegetarian can come with quite a few challenges. For most people, the chief concern has to do with protein intake. Since animal-based foods are generally seen as the primary source of protein, people often don't understand how to meet these needs as a vegetarian. In truth, there are many plant-based foods that are full of protein and – by following a well-designed diet – meeting your prote...

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A vegetarian diet is one that relies on plant foods rather than animal sources. There are several different variations on this approach. . Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat both dairy products and eggs – which can fix some of the nutritional gaps found in a more traditional plant-based diet. Also, there are ovovegetarians and lactovegetarians, who only add eggs or milk respectively. What is a Vegetarian Diet? Somewhat surprisingly, there are lots of different ways people can choose to eat. Whil...

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A vegetarian diet is one that relies on plant foods rather than animal sources. There are several different variations on this approach. . Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat both dairy products and eggs – which can fix some of the nutritional gaps found in a more traditional plant-based diet. Also, there are ovovegetarians and lactovegetarians, who only add eggs or milk respectively. What is a Vegetarian Diet? Somewhat surprisingly, there are lots of different ways people can choose to eat. Whil...

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You know that, to bulk up, you need protein. But, as a vegetarian, that can seem like a pretty daunting task. Of course, a properly constructed plant-based diet can provide plenty of protein for clean bulk, but it will take some work. So, we’d like to help you get started. Here is a basic vegetarians’ guide to clean bulking, complete with some helpful principles to help you put on all that lean mass you’ve been working for. But First… Before you do anything else, though, you need to ...

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You know that, to bulk up, you need protein. But, as a vegetarian, that can seem like a pretty daunting task. Of course, a properly constructed plant-based diet can provide plenty of protein for clean bulk, but it will take some work. So, we’d like to help you get started. Here is a basic vegetarians’ guide to clean bulking, complete with some helpful principles to help you put on all that lean mass you’ve been working for. But First… Before you do anything else, though, you need to ...

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Although many people seem to think otherwise, vegans who eat a variety of foods generally have no problem getting adequate levels of protein. The difficulty, though, becomes finding ways to sneak more of that plant protein into your diet in interesting and delicious ways. Of course, using a quality plant protein powder can help. Still, you're going to be faced with the challenge of using that powder creatively. To get you started, here are 10 easy ways to boost plant protein in a vegan die...

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Although many people seem to think otherwise, vegans who eat a variety of foods generally have no problem getting adequate levels of protein. The difficulty, though, becomes finding ways to sneak more of that plant protein into your diet in interesting and delicious ways. Of course, using a quality plant protein powder can help. Still, you're going to be faced with the challenge of using that powder creatively. To get you started, here are 10 easy ways to boost plant protein in a vegan die...

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When it comes to diet and food choices, you have tons of options. Of course, the two main classifications tend to be omnivorous or herbivorous but, there's also something in between. Flexitarianism, also known as semi-vegetarianism, presents a unique dietary lifestyle that offers many benefits. Essentially, a flexitarian is a vegetarian who sometimes eats meat and/or fish. That' it. But, with any diet, questions sometimes come up about what is or is not appropriate. And, since flexitariani...

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When it comes to diet and food choices, you have tons of options. Of course, the two main classifications tend to be omnivorous or herbivorous but, there's also something in between. Flexitarianism, also known as semi-vegetarianism, presents a unique dietary lifestyle that offers many benefits. Essentially, a flexitarian is a vegetarian who sometimes eats meat and/or fish. That' it. But, with any diet, questions sometimes come up about what is or is not appropriate. And, since flexitariani...

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One of the major criticisms vegans and vegetarians face has to do with their protein intake. In general, people do not understand how – by eating nothing but plant-based foods – someone can meet their dietary needs and keep up with the demands of their lifestyle. And yet, many vegan athletes perform incredibly well in their sports. How? First, it's important to recognize a simple, oft-forgotten fact: There is lots of protein in plants. Still, though, it's nothing compared to the amount fou...

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