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Grass-fed whey protein offers all sorts of benefits. People use it to help them build muscle, to lose weight or just to add some high-quality protein to their diet. In truth, though, grass-fed whey can also help you between workouts, improving recovery and getting your body ready for the next time you hit the gym. How, exactly, does that work? What does grass-fed whey protein do to help your muscles recover after a workout? How Muscles Improve To fulling understand the role that whey pl...

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Reading the ingredients list on any food is usually a pretty enlightening and frightening exercise. Let's consider whey protein, for example. One would think that whey protein has just one ingredient – whey protein. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case. Most of the time, whey supplements are loaded with things that are, at best, useless. Occasionally, however, some of these whey protein ingredients pack some pretty startling potential dangers. Here are just three examples. Soy Leci...

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Reading the ingredients list on any food is usually a pretty enlightening and frightening exercise. Let's consider whey protein, for example. One would think that whey protein has just one ingredient – whey protein. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case. Most of the time, whey supplements are loaded with things that are, at best, useless. Occasionally, however, some of these whey protein ingredients pack some pretty startling potential dangers. Here are just three examples. Soy Leci...

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If you've ever taken the time to glance over the ingredients label of your foods, you know it can be a pretty surprising experience. Seemingly straightforward foods – things that should have one or two ingredients – are generally stuffed with tons of different substances, many of which have long, complex and confusing names. Whey protein, for example, really should just have one ingredient: Whey. After all, the popular protein source is a derivative of milk and, once it's separated from th...

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If you've ever taken the time to glance over the ingredients label of your foods, you know it can be a pretty surprising experience. Seemingly straightforward foods – things that should have one or two ingredients – are generally stuffed with tons of different substances, many of which have long, complex and confusing names. Whey protein, for example, really should just have one ingredient: Whey. After all, the popular protein source is a derivative of milk and, once it's separated from th...

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Likely because of its natural association with building muscle, women tend to be a little hesitant when it comes to taking whey protein powder. In truth, however, everyone – regardless of gender can benefit from whey. That is, f they make the right decision when picking out the product. So, what is the best whey protein powder for women? Go Grass-Fed The vast majority of farm-grown cows are fed grains in a system called a feed-lot, whether they are raised for meat or dairy. These usu...

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Likely because of its natural association with building muscle, women tend to be a little hesitant when it comes to taking whey protein powder. In truth, however, everyone – regardless of gender can benefit from whey. That is, f they make the right decision when picking out the product. So, what is the best whey protein powder for women? Go Grass-Fed The vast majority of farm-grown cows are fed grains in a system called a feed-lot, whether they are raised for meat or dairy. These usu...

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People usually associate grass-fed whey protein powder with muscle growth. But, how does this process actually work? Does grass-fed protein have any advantages over your standard protein products? To really answer this question, we need to start with looking at how muscles grow and what role protein plays in that process. The Stimulus When you exercise, you're actually damaging your muscles. Sorry, but that's what happens. Don't worry, though, that's what you want. Specifically, t...

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People usually associate grass-fed whey protein powder with muscle growth. But, how does this process actually work? Does grass-fed protein have any advantages over your standard protein products? To really answer this question, we need to start with looking at how muscles grow and what role protein plays in that process. The Stimulus When you exercise, you're actually damaging your muscles. Sorry, but that's what happens. Don't worry, though, that's what you want. Specifically, t...

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There are tons of buzzwords that get tossed around the health and fitness world, particularly when it comes to nutrition. Sometimes, these are actually really important concepts that can have a major impact on your health. In most cases, however, they are little more than hype and clever advertising. It makes sense, then, to be wary of all the different adjectives that get attached to your whey protein. But, there's one phrase you may have seen that you absolutely should pay attention to: ...

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